A short but spectacular trip.

Prairie scene near Monte Vista, CO.

Street scene in Salida, CO.

Kayak motif in Salida.

Kayaking at Vallecito Reservoir.

Kayaking Vallecito Reservoir. Photographer’s point of view.

Chickens in their coop. Vallecito, Colorado.

Working on the railroad. Narrow gauge, Durango to Silverton, Colorado.

Having fun in Durango at the Silverton to Durango narrow gauge railroad station.

Enjoying a drink at Durango’s Bookcase & Barber. A modern day speakeasy.

Photojournalist Jeremy Wade Shockley at his show in the Red Room
at The Open Shutter Gallery in Durango. Sadly, his was one of the last.
The venerable Open Shutter is closing down.

One of the oldest hotels in Durango. The historic Rochester at dusk.