“…dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
Author Archives: Michael Kircher
Like a mountain goat
Blue Ridge Mountains
I will never tire of this view.
Marin County
If all goes accordingly (and doesn’t it always?) Marin County in Northern California will be my final resting place. OK, that sounds kind of morbid… let’s say rather that my wife and I would love to die there! Uh… wait… what I mean is we hope Northern California is where we’ll live out our days. You know, retire. Or something like that.
“Retire” is such an ugly word, though, isn’t it? Maybe “repurpose” is what I want. Rachel and I hope to one day repurpose ourselves in Northern California. Yeah, that’s better.
So why Northern California? Well…
Northern California. Works for us.
Return to the Canal!
Washington, DC. Rain and Shine at the Lincoln Memorial.
Good Tips, Bad Jokes.
A few more tips for your Fujifilm X100S. And a few jokes thrown in for good measure!
Edit, edit, edit.
Another YouTube video. This one on editing.
Stabilizing your Camera
A few tips on keeping your camera steady.
Fujifilm X100S with a Nikon SB800
Is it possible to use these two together?