Back from brief hiatus.

Most of the last couple months has been spent exploring the city. As the weather warms I expect to be down there more and more. The other evening my wife and I were walking to the car past the monuments and the river and I don’t know if it was the evening sun casting long shadows and a warm glow or just the hint of Spring in the air, but we both remarked on what a great little city DC is. Of course we both always felt that way, but sometimes you need to walk down a different street, take a new route at another time of day… change your perspective and you see it all anew.


washington dc, tidal basin

washington dc, lincoln memorial

washington dc, dupont circle



Generation i

I once used my earbuds while on the train into the city. After making it halfway through the song I pulled them out and put the phone away. I couldn’t stand not hearing the world around me. The screech of the steel wheels on the rails. The goofy Metro voice warning the doors were closing. The giggling of high-school girls. The general hum of everyday life. I haven’t used them in public since.

The smartphone generation. Phone calls, texting, gaming, listening to music, surfing the web. Social engagement on perpetual hold.

Interesting phenomenon.











Washington DC with iPhone 5

Back on the streets again. From Capitol Hill to Georgetown. Looking for the soul of the city. What is Washington DC all about? Is there a defining characteristic?

I can’t say I know the answer yet… Even after all these years. I just keep looking.

washington dc capitol building

Capitol Building

National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

National Gallery of Art

Admiring, National Gallery of Art

In the Dutch and Flemish hall.

Window shopping in Dupont Circle, Washington DC

Window shopping, Dupont Circle

Walking past Kramer Books in Dupont Circle, Washington DC

Walking past Kramer Books in Dupont Circle

A seagull takes flight in Georgetown, Washington DC

Taking flight in Georgetown

Overlooking the Potomac River in Georgetown, Washington DC

Sun setting over the Potomac River


Farm Fresh in The City

A lady checks the produce stand at Magruder's in NW Washington, DC.

There’s just something about strolling through a produce stand on a crisp Autumn day. Watching the customers as they carefully examine the various tubers, fruits and vegetables. The murmur of neighbors and acquaintances, “What are you preparing for tonight? Is that a squash? What is a “goard”, anyway?”

Of course, textures and colors attract as well.