Red fox.

Great egret reflected in the canal.

Dusk at Lockhouse 6 in Bethesda, Maryland.

Morning walk past Lock 15 on a misty summer morning.

A White-tail doe cools off one summer day in the C&O Canal.

Canada Geese early morning at Widewater.

Spider silhouette seen on walkway to Olmsted Island.

The Potomac River’s health has improved in recent years and therefore more and more Bald Eagles can be found in the park.

Found this White-tail doe along the C&O Canal tow path.

A Great Egret makes way for a pair of bikers on the tow path just north of Visitor’s Center.

Bicyclists often commute to DC using the C&O Canal tow path.

Springtime is breeding season for the American Toad.

As the sun sets a group of Canada Geese fly in to spend the night on Widewater near Anglers Inn.

An adult Bald Eagle above the canal.

Black vulture drying its wings.

Rocky Islands reflection in Potomac River.

Kayakers cross canal at foot bridge near Anglers Inn.

Great Blue Herons above Great Falls as seen from Olmsted Island Overlook in C&O Canal NHP in Maryland.

Canada geese at dawn from Olmsted Island.

Widewater, early Autumn morning.

Black vulture at C&O Canal NHP.

North of the Great Falls Tavern Visitor Center a Great Blue Heron flies just above the C&O Canal.

Kayaker races in back channels of the Potomac River at the C&O Canal NHP in Maryland.

Great blue heron in the shallows of the canal south of Old Anglers Inn in Potomac, Maryland.

Believed to be about 1300 years old this petroglyph can only be found when the river is low.

Dressed in period clothing a volunteer helps guide the Charles F Mercer packet boat.

Mergansers in flight over the C&O Canal.

On an outcropping above the canal, a White-tail fawn timidly seeks foliage for breakfast.

A Great Blue Heron gently touches down near Widewater.

Found this juvenile barred owl near Swains Lock in Potomac, Maryland.

Practice runs in the back channels of Olmsted Island.

The smell of a dead deer attracted these Black vultures.

Costumed interpreter in the bow of the Charles F Mercer canal boat.